University Office Management

Trinity University, Dublin, Ireland

The Consultants recently won a project in international competition to set the Office of one of the top ranked Universities in the world – Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland. The office of the University is managed by the Consultants in New Delhi India and the activities involve managing the existing network of agents in India through senior level staff appointed in consultation with the University.

Coventry University

The Consultants are working with Coventry University to develop partnerships leading to delivery of Coventry programmes at institutions in the Indian subcontinent. The Consultants have facilitated a very successful partnership for delivery of in country programmes in Nepal in Indian Sub-continent. The partnership is approved by the Ministry of Education, Government of Nepal and has been delivering substantial business to Coventry University since the beginning of the year 2019.

Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), UK

Continuing its innovative services in managing and guiding foreign Universities operations, in India, the Consultants signed a contract in June 2007 and executed it till December 2017 to extend its services to SHU in India. Activities involved managing the existing network of agents in India and deliver quality students to the University, develop partnerships for delivery of programmes in India in priority areas for the University, develop and manage the alumni network. The SHU India office was located in New Delhi with five full time staff dedicated to support the University’s operations in Indian sub-continent.

University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham entered into an arrangement with the Consultants in September 2008 and continued till 31st August 2019 to help manage its office in India. The activities include developing a robust agent network to recruit students, develop teaching and research partnerships with Indian education and research organizations, develop and rejuvenate the Birmingham University alumni network, advice the University on developing faculty and students’ exchange programmes. The Birmingham University’s India office was located in New Delhi with two full time staff dedicated to support the University’s activities in India.

University of New Castle upon Tyne

The University has recently awarded a project to host one member of staff and provide payroll and all support services in a shared office of the Consultants for a period of 6 months.

UK e-University: Report and Implementation

Represented UKeU in India and made efforts to develop their market (the contract ended as UKeU was closed down by the Government in the UK).

University Partnership Development

University of Plymouth

The Consultants were retained by University of Plymouth to develop partnerships in transnational delivery of programmes in India. Several potential partners were introduced. However, the University was unable to implement the partnership due to regulatory issues in India.


The Company secured a contract to provide consultancy services to Knowledge Corporation Pvt. Ltd. a company sponsored by one of the largest construction companies in India, namely, IREO. KCPL, to begin with were seeking expertise from the consultants to establish private universities in India in association with best of the Universities globally. The first such two universities were to be established and start offering courses from 2013 in Ludhiana, State of Punjab and from 2014 in Gurgaon, State of Haryana.

IREO is the first and the largest Private Equity Fund dedicated to the Indian real estate sector with a fund size of around US $2 billion and the backing of global blue-chip investors and financial institutions. Over the period they have emerged as a major pan-India developer equipped with financial strength to fully leverage available opportunities in this sector.

Since establishing their presence in 2004, IREO has evolved into a fully integrated real estate organization that is both the financer and developer of its projects. The company has a pan-India footprint of projects in prime locations across NCR (including Gurgaon), and in the provinces of Haryana, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra under various stages of development and implementation.

The Consultants were able to introduce a leading UK University to IREO. However, the project could not take off as the infrastructure industry was faced with a downturn and recession and IREO decided to postpone its investments in education ventures.

University of Lancaster, UK: Reports and Implementation

The University of Lancaster retained the consultants to undertake market research for three departments of the University to develop partnerships to undertake joint research and delivery of education and training programmes in India. Four different reports were prepared for four different schools namely, Psychology, Law, Engineering and Computing.

Following development of reports, Lancaster University sought inputs in developing and implementing its strategies for developing partnerships in India. The Consultants successfully organized setting up a partnership for delivery of Lancaster University programmes in India with G D Goenka World Institute a leading education organisation in India that is branded as the University of Lancaster’s campus in India.

University of Keele, UK

The Consultants had an arrangement with the University of Keele to identify and implement developing partnerships for the University of Keele on a project to project basis in India.

Services to Awarding Bodies in Vocational Education / Skills Development

Edexcel International

The Consultants secured a major contract in 1998 from one of UK’s leading awarding bodies Edexcel UK to represent them in promotion of their qualifications in India to begin with and the territory of operation was extended to countries in South Asia and Africa from the year 2001. The contract was mainly to promote vocational qualifications. The Consultants after developing an annual student registration of over 3,000 per annum in India established Edexcel’s qualifications in Bangladesh, Mauritius, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Maldives which grew rapidly having achieved potential to register over 2000 students. The Consultants set up facilities to manage operations in these countries and handed over back to Edexcel for direct management. Edexcel was taken over by Pearson Education, and Edexcel decided to appoint its own employees to manage its activities in India. The Consultants handed over India operations in September 2008 with about 12500 registrations annually on Edexcel’s vocational programmes and a step change in promoting Edexcel’s academic qualifications in India.

Studies and Market Research

Study on status of TNE in India

The British Council in India commissioned a study to assess the delivery of transnational education in India. Led by Dr. Neil Kemp of NK Education UK, the Consultants in 2015 assisted in mounting primary and secondary research to identify different aspects of transnational delivery of international education in India. The report created case studies on the best practices being followed by different foreign education institutions delivering international qualifications in India. It has also recommended the steps to be followed by UK higher education institutions that wish to deliver their qualifications in India. The report is available Here

Market Research for Executive Education and Training for India undertaken on behalf of UKTI, Government of UK

This project funded by UKTI, was executed through Prothero Limited (Consultant’s associate organisation in UK). The UKTI together with the Department for Innovation, Universities, and Skills (DUIS), had been considering ideas for UK initiatives in executive and management education with India as a basis for presentation and discussion during the Prime Minister’s visits to India in the Autumn of 2007. UKTI and the DUIS consulted some UK companies and university vice chancellors on a broad concept paper proposing British centres for executive education drawing upon the capabilities of UK education providers in this sector. The concept was based on a general assessment of demand in India for practical management education that will equip existing and prospective managers to operate successfully in an international business environment. The Consultants undertook market research with companies, management institutes, industry bodies, key decision-makers in India to ascertain the demand for UK Executive education and training programmes in the country.

Report for Market entry for University of Edinburgh, UK in India

The Consultants were commissioned by the University of Edinburgh to undertake a study that provides them with opportunities for collaboration in India. The main focus of the study was to identify research opportunities and feasibility for the University to establish its office in India. Prothero Limited (Consultant’s associate organisation in UK) assisted in undertaking the study.

American Institute of Foreign Studies (AIFS) – Report and Implementation

American Institute of Foreign Studies had contracted in 2006 Prothero Limited (a UK based consultancy organization – Consultant’s associate organisation in UK) and the Consultants to undertake a detailed study for them to ascertain the possibilities of promoting their programmes in India.

Following the acceptance of the report, AIFS contracted Prothero Ltd and the Consultants later in 2006 to implement the project in India. This involved putting in place a network of staff and consultants across major cities in India that promoted various programmes such as Summer Institute for the Gifted, recruitment of counselors for Camp America, recruitment of Au Pairs, and identifying Indian universities with which Study Abroad Programme for American students can be implemented. Two groups of camp counselors participated in Camp America Programme in 2007 and 2008, two batches of students participated in Summer Institute of Gifted Programme in 2007 and 2008 and a few Au Pairs were also recruited. A Study Abroad Programme had been established at the University of Hyderabad and the first batch of students started their semester abroad in August 2008.

Promotion of Erasmus Mundus Funded European Masters in Life Long Learning(MALLL): Policy and Management: Report and Implementation

The European MALLL programme is delivered by a Consortium of three institutions Department of Education, University of Aahrus, Copenhagen, Denmark, University of Duesto, Bilbao, Spain, Institute of Education, University of London, UK. The Consortium over the last two years were not been able to attract students to the scholarship programme and awarded this project to the Consultants to help promote the programme, attract quality applicants and explore links between quality Indian universities with a view to develop collaborative delivery and research. A good number of quality applications were generated and quality institutions have been put forward to develop links with the Consortium. A future plan of action had been recommended for future follow up.

Market Research for Sheffield Hallam University

The Sheffield Hallam University had retained the services of the Consultants to prepare a report for them to identify opportunities for enhancing the recruitment of students, identify opportunities for their four major schools under which the different departments of the University are grouped. These schools are:

  • Arts, Computing, Engineering and Sciences
  • Development and Society
  • Health and Well Being
  • Organisation and Management

The report inter alia recommended the specific subject areas in which there are opportunities for partnerships that should be pursued by each of the four schools, some specific institutions that are interested in developing partnerships with the University and the level and type of partnerships that should be explored by the University. The report also recommended to the University to set up an office in India that would be responsible for networking with agents to facilitate recruitment of students and also help pursue development of partnerships. The University accepted the recommendation of the consultants and the Consultants are responsible for managing the office of the University in India and also advising them on developing partnerships.

Study for HEC Paris for Market entry into India

The Consultants were commissioned by HEC Paris a leading French Management Institute to undertake a study to identify potential for executive education in India and also to advise them on opportunities for establishing their physical presence in India. The study for executive education opportunities was undertaken across six cities in India. This involved primary research, group discussions with HR managers of leading companies in each city as well as desk research on leading management schools located in the six cities.

Support Services

London School of Economics, UK

Provided logistics support to London School of Economics to organize an event for the visit of their CEO to India. LSE has moved their premises in New Delhi to set up a representative office.

Interactive University (Scholar Programme), UK

Interactive University was set up as a partnership of Scottish Universities and education providers to develop delivery of online programmes leading to qualifications from Scottish education providers. The Scholar programme in UK was developed to support the delivery of science and ICT qualifications at the school level. The Consultants offered logistics support to market the Scholar programme in India and the project ended on the winding up of the Interactive University project.